Why the passengers of the sinking Titanic are locking themselves up in their cabins, instead of running to the lifeboats… while the crew is plundering

Why do we — in the West — sooo much want to come back “a before”, and consciously hide our heads into the sand ?

A “zoom out” is required here.

Some of the reasons are, in my opinion, a psychological spaghetti-like cocktail between :

(1) Fear of losing what we have, what we know, making us systematically cling to the “everyone-for-himself” survival model. But it means… locked up in solitude…

(2) Brain conditioning (we’ve always done it this way): mental impossibility to move the lines.

(3) Lack of credible, economically efficient “solution packs”. We hang on the extractive models.

(4) A total lack of understanding of the basic principles of systems thinking. Most of the challenges ahead are systemically connected to others. No simplistic solutions work any more as before.

(5) Lack of global scope on systemic shifts (which have already started under the radar). Lazyness, lack of curiosity, humility, or incompetence ?

(6) Lack of young entrepreneurs (ageing demographics in the West — go to the East and Latin America to see what is happening there…). You don’t teach new tricks to old monkeys.

(7) Lack of understanding of the “empowerment” principles of human beings. Nothing really interesting can be achieved with a half-burnt-out-depressed and frightened western population.

(8) Totally botched homework on the deep understanding of the multiple “paradigm shifts” ongoing. Lazyness, lack of curiosity, humility, or incompetence ?

(9) Inability to combine a systemic vision of present and future issues with a pragmatic time projection.

(10) Total lack of humility to go and see what works, in nature, and among actors under the radar — even on small scale. Search, look, ask questions… to find the real value creation.

(11) Too few have reached the “ACCEPTANCE” stage of Kübler-Ross… — still in denial (ex. climato-sceptics, everything-sceptics,…), anger (ex. complotists), bargaining (ex. greenwashing), depression (ex. youth climate kids). Only when we accept reality, we can start real constructive work.

This is how we decided to answer those questions, with Club of Brussels, and the Kairos Multisolutions Platform :

(1) Fear of losing what we have, what we know: → make transition desirable and performant, profitable and fun.

(2) Brain conditioning : → a 2 months empowerment action-based program (Extrapreneurs, 97% result)

(3) Lack of credible, economically efficient “solution packs”: → our “Systemic and Regenerative Multisolutions Bank” with >350 scalable, profitable templates.

(4) A total lack of understanding of the basic principles of systems thinking: → explain it simply, like here https://micheldekemmeter.medium.com/the-ultimate-solution-for-economy-reboot-systemic-economy-explained-1f167d1b2d03

(5) Lack of global scope on systemic shifts (which have already started under the radar): → we are working on our next, 5th “Wise Paper”, onSystemic Collapse & Emergent Potential and Opportunities” horizon 2030. Keep posted. We detected 8 new economic spaces full of opportunities emerging…

(6) Lack of young entrepreneurs (ageing demographics in the West — go to the East and Latin America to see what is happening there…) : → intergenerational training for high impact co-entrepreneurship on live projects.

(7) Lack of understanding of the “empowerment” principle of people. Nothing really interesting will be done with a half-burnt-out-depressed population: → our approaches, visions and methods are fun, engaging, empowering.

(8) Totally botched homework on the deep understanding of the multiple “paradigm shifts” ongoing: → numerous vulgarized publications, articles, Wise Papers, on the subject. A set of very accessible and hands-on methods for transition.

(9) Inability to combine a systemic vision of present and future issues with a pragmatic time projection: 5th Wise Paper in the making, on this subject, … ok ok, wait a few weeks please…

(10) Total lack of humility to go and see what works, in nature, and among actors under the radar. Easier to click a photo than to search, look, ask questions… to find the real value: → we created a worldwide community of changemakers and “Resilience Islands” where these are done and visible

(11) Too few have reached the “ACCEPTANCE” stage of Kübler-Ross…: → well, it’s up to you to get there. And then, lets get going to build the “New Earth” together… a “Resilience Island” maybe, in your country ?

Tell us with a PM how we can help you to bring the best of your talent to the world.

Prof. Michel A. de Kemmeter

Living Lab: extrapreneurs.org

Think Tank: www.clubofbrussels.org

Kairos Crypto: www.kairosmultisolutions.org

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ7B0Ihcv7-ooIOWcVdLcrQ

#collapse #transition #emergence #systemic_economy #empowerment #extrapreneurs #entrepreneurhsip #innovation #regeneration #new_economy



Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.