The ultimate solution for economy reboot : “Systemic Economy” explained…
I realized — every time I was asked to “explain” systemic economy, that I explained it in different ways. And most of the time… interrogations remained, and rarely were the people that hit directly a “wooow yessssss !”.
Well, this is about simplifying complexity…
Our work — with Systemic Economy in “Club of Brussels” is at the crossroads between :
(1) New business intelligence and deep understanding of economy and business areas, and their specific challenges, tendencies and shifts;
(2) Theories of systemics, cybernetics, networks, systems design, paradigm shifts, complexity management;
(3) Consciousness and spiritual “reconnexion” of human beings to planet earth, responsible engaged citizenship, society and common good;
(4) Psychological understanding of behavioral change, fears, needs, values, personal transition and empowerment;
(5) Pragmatic qualified, quantified and timing of multiple challenges ahead;
Let’s adapt the explanation of “what is Systemic Economy”, to any kind of profile who would be interested :
And then, together, in one of our programs, let’s show to the world that it is muuuch better business ! (follow us for examples and copy-pastable business templates)
To a entrepreneur or business man: “Systemic Economy is a performant business model, in which you don’t need to own and invest in all the resources, but can use them collaboratively in a close-to-zero risk but high leverage and output. It is just muuuuch better business”.
To a coach or psychologist: “Systemic Economy is a space wherein any person can and has to develop its potential, so (s)he can work in, and fit into society and co-create it in a coherent way. This space is a playground for each one of them to experience oneself, develop and thrive. It is done in team, in peer-to-peer, learning from each other on real projects.”
To a HR manager: “Systemic Economy is a model for organisations and projects, which naturally attracts engaged top talent, because it contributes to purpose and to a new future-oriented worldview and regenerative model”.
To a risk manager: “Systemic Economy is a model which maps risks in a systemic way, assessing positive or negative connexions in between them, and considers those risks as equal opportunities to create new and smart business solutions.”
To a biologist: “Systemic Economy is inspired by nature, everything is connected to everybody, and waste of the one becomes resources for the other. It is an economic model where resources and needs are connected throughout the whole ecosystem, in which life thrives — unlike extractive models in which exhaustion, pressure and death prevails.”
To a philosopher: “Systemic Economy is based on the philosophy that every project is a co-creation with multiple stakeholders, adding positive regenerative value to multiple challenges simultaneously”.
To a circular economy expert: “Systemic Economy is a little like “circular” economy, but in which human beings are not considered any more as a consumer or employee, but as a players who create new value like innovation, creative contributions to the world, bringing purpose and new connections, and happy engagement and motivation. Circularity principles are copy pasted to humanity too in the upper “virtuous intangible circle” above the material circulation.”
To an environmentalist: “Systemic Economy is a growth model, growth in credible and performant solutions to regenerate the environment, but with good business models that work on multiple added values.”
To a trade unionist: “Systemic Economy is a model which leads each one to its full potential, and enables people to create a fair place for themselves in society, where fair rewards come in proportion to true value creation. It may be a new role for trade unions: co-constructive by creating healthy bridges between worlds, like in the 50ties. Or, it may put unions out of business — which would be a beautiful natural outcome of history, as everyone will be autonomous and empowered.”
To an investor: “Systemic Economy is a model which is crisis-proof, resilient, and self-adaptable to a continuous changing context”
To a revolutionary: “The system bugs. We need another one. Systemic Economy is a very good alternative that performs.”
To an accountant: “Systemic Economy poses that substantial new growth is possible — especially intangible: ideas, creativity, human progress, networks and connexions, positive emotions, motivation engagement and happiness. This all provides smart and economically sustainable answers to challenges. The bottom line result, afterwards, will be much more positive. And… there is a loooot of room for improvement.”
To an innovation manager: “Systemic Economy is a way to innovate in margin of existing running businesses without risking or disturbing it, with full access to resources, but with a 360° openness to new business models and opportunities outside the organization. It is a kind of Extrapreneurship, a smart outsourcing of innovation to co-entrepreneurial teams.”
To a spiritual master: “Systemic Economy is using common sense to co-create conscious progress of humanity”
To an economy or business school student: “Systemic Economy is a new model, allowing to build the next economy and society - only be possible if people connect to their best, and bring this best to progress of society, unlike what you have learned in traditional old-school economy classes — which still are models that created the multiple global problems (Actually, it is strange you still got these kind of courses). Human beings and values are becoming a central power-piece in the whole economy game.”
To a political leader: “Systemic Economy is a model where citizens bring the best of themselves to contribute, in collaboration with public services, to global progress, thus regenerating social dimensions and people, regenerating environment, and bringing new economically performant business models. Common good regeneration on long term as a central mission.”
To a mother: “Systemic Economy is good mother-of-the-house management: empathic caring for everyone, connecting family members to each other with their needs and resources, using common sense without ego, to serve the family as a whole.”
To a criminal or pirate: “Systemic Economy is a way to create more value than stealing from the people. If you put all the smart intelligence of criminals or (white collar) robbers — like you can see now everywhere (oligopoles, corruption,…) in this pre-civilisation collapse — working together to find solutions, you can create more wealth and progress for all. The criminal can become a saviour. It is much more gratifying too.”
To a political science student : “Systemic Economy is a model which mutualizes resources in a hyper-efficient way — so we can go on functioning, progressing, but with way less resources.”
To a quantum physicist: “Systemic Economy is a business entity where the energy flow in torus shape attracts in resources, transmutes them, and afterwards offers the result to the rest of creation.”
To a chemist: “Systemic Economy is a catalyst. A new worldview which inspires and develops exponentially, like titrating a mixture”
To an unborn child: “Systemic Economy is a model that temps to fix the colossal damage that humanity committed before you to this beautiful planet, by regenerating the environment, cleaning up the mess, and bringing purpose and wisdom to humanity. Lets hope you will not regret your decision of coming down here. Anyway, pioneers will be there to welcome you, initiate you, and… learn from you.”
To a real estate developer: “Systemic Economy is a model which brings fantastic leverage on value and on rental revenue whilst creating fantastic added value to the village or city surrounding the estate, through reliable multifunctionality, flexible modularity and human or technical synergies.”
To a teacher: “Systemic Economy is a model which invites each one to develop unique complementary skills, diverse excellences and team empowerment, through peer-to-peer action learning and collective intelligence and co-creation. Learn from each other whilst playing and creating.”
To a business school professor: “Systemic Economy is exactly the opposite of what you still teach in your economy course (which is part of the problem): extracting value from people, economy, society and planet, to create a profitable bottom line for the shareholders, in total impunity of negative effects on planet and people. It regenerates people, planet AND is much more attractive for top-talent, clients and collaborating stakeholders, AND is much more profitable because hyper-efficient with resources, and fully scalable.”
To a journalist: “Systemic Economy could be, finally, the next model for economy and society. This could be a new role for media: inspire people with positive co-creative and engaging news to re-enchant citizens’ lives — instead of spreading anxiety, doubt, division and insecurity.”
To a spiritualist: “Systemic Economy is a model which allows each one to be directly inspired through presencing, so where each one will bring exactly what is right for himself/herself, for the project, for the planet, and for society, in a movement of flow.”
To a “normal” citizen: “Systemic Economy is a model that can make you free from fear, anxiety and stress, and where you can bring the best of yourself to your family and surrounding, in resilience and abundance of whatever you need.”
To an artist: “Systemic Economy is a model in which each one of us brings a unique creative role, and participates in writing history, based on heart, emotions, intuitions and using the 6 senses of humans and the 4 elements of nature.”
To a relational coach: “Systemic Economy is a principle where everyone is aware and responsible for projections of needs, fears and expectations on the others, and thus where relations shift from neurotic bargaining to quality flow of giving the best and recieving beauty out of the relation.”
To a waste manager: “Systemic Economy is a model to cut costs and negative effects of waste transport and management: transforming waste locally into valuable resources and energy.”
To an epidemiologist: “Systemic Economy is a positive virus — a principle that once experienced is adopted — and there is no way back. Once and for all antobodies are created against an extractive destructive behaviour and model. Also, it inspires and positively “infects” others.”
To a farmer: “Systemic Economy is a model which helps to regenerate sterilized and polluted soils, and helps to create multiple incomes of services and semi-finished or finished products, for business stability and optimalizing production and value by the hectare.”
To a book editor: “Systemic Economy is a model which helps developing multiple ways to valorize an author: keynote speeches and inspiring talks, online learning and masterclasses, executive trainings, advisory, masterminds, worldwide expert networks, e-books, on top of the printed books.”
To a governor, king or president: “Systemic Economy is a way to offer a new and seriously feasible hope and future for people, next generations and territory. It is the chance for you to write history of your land and people.”
To an economist: “Systemic Economy is a philosophy that could be a basis for the next chapter of world economy.”
To health professionals: “Systemic Economy is a way to address health and illness in a holistic way. A human body is a system in which all tangible and intangible elements are interconnected. Psychology, behaviour and emotions have effects on organs and overall health.”
To libertarians: “Systemic Economy is an open-source, collaborative, co-creative society and high performance economic model, where each one of the members has optimal roles and added value, and the sum of the members is more thriving than the individual parts”.
To a gardener: “Systemic Economy is like your mixed board: an abundance of fruits and flowers, super-rich of diversity, an absolute beauty of mixed colours, where all plants help each other and contribute to thriving of the whole, soil is regenerated, and becomes a living biotope for all animals”.
To an asset manager-banker: “Systemic Economy is the business model which is less risky as investment for impact, is fully scalable, with teams resilient-adaptable to shocks and crisis”.
To police officer or soldier : “Systemic Economy could put you out of business. Insecurity and wars are a consequence of incoherent social systems, social exclusion and lack of trust, lack of resources, political egos, and mental disorder. A territory where systemic economy is applied is peaceful, thriving and abundant.”
To a diversity manager: “Systemic Economy is a potent and fertile bridge between worlds. It valorizes every specificity and helps collaboration between very different backgrounds.”
To a transporter: “Systemic Economy is a methodology which helps to optimize the use of m3 in transportation of people and goods, with smart multimodality.”
To a mathematician: “Systemic Economy is a way to build ecosystem business models by answering multiple challenges, and thus by multiplying solutions exponentially increase the copy-paste and scaling up of best practices to massively shift and save the world.”
To a first in class: “Systemic Economy is the best of circular economy, social economy, blue and green economy, knowledge economy, collaborative and sharing economy — in one strong and simple model”.
To an engineer: “Systemic Economy is a way to understand that economy and society work like a gearbox, all pieces interconnected. The methodology helps to create hyper-efficient actions, businesses and projects which recover the negative externalities of industry and consumption.”
To a business consultant: “Systemic Economy is a new methodology to offer solutions to a regenerative transition for the next generation hyper-performant business models for companies who do want to be part of the new regenerative economy.”
To a social media manager: “Systemic Economy is a method to mobilize multiple communities to carry and develop the business project of your client.”
To energy operators: “Systemic Economy is a way to shift from centralized single source energy production to multimodal decentralized energy production.”
To a change manager: “Systemic Economy is a model and methodology that helps transformation from patriarchal hierarchic models to agile, collaborative ecosystem network-based models. It mobilizes the best talents with their heads, hearts and hands of old and new team members.”
To a happiness manager: “Systemic Economy is a model which helps to create quality space and business models for people to thrive and contribute with their best talents.”
To a gamer: “Systemic Economy is the most incredible life-sized strategic game for building the New Earth. Much much better than Sims and Minecraft. We very much need your skills in real life !”
To a systemic expert: “Systemic Economy is creating new, expected value, whilst activating unexpected alliances”.
To a child: “Systemic Economy is that moment when light is switched on and you realize there are fantastic treasures everywhere, and you can use them if you collaborate with others, and it is incredibly fun ! Lets play together !”
In “DUPLO” rude mode: “The system is f..cked. Look around. We succeeded to destroy our planet, our people, and economy itself. We ourselves deeply. Its gonna explode like a huge bomb. Soon. Systemic Economy is the next chapter…”.
All the best for you and your projects, families and teams, come and join us in one of our action learning programs, on your LIVE project.
Prof. Michel A. de Kemmeter
A few examples we have co-piloted: : an approach and business model based on local transformation of waste. Cheaper, less or no transport, creating local jobs. : collaborative systemic city development, in Durban South Africa; inclusion, training, security, waste and city cleanness, local markets, social projects,…
Multifunctional (Public) Real Estate development: more value for city and surrounding, more flexibility, more financial value, better rents. We collaborated to a dozen multifunctional projets for over 1,5 billion €, over half of them finished.
Mutual Experiential Education. All our programs, Extrapreneurs, Executive Training, Academic Trainings, Masterclasses, are based on the highest learning leverages: action learning, experiential learning, peer-to-peer mutual learning, co-creative learning. Result: in 6 to10 weeks, we create market ready business cases, problem-solving, innovation mockups, and above all, personal empowerment with 96% of success.
Productive housing. We have launched 3 projects of 9 up to 400 houses, all of them productive in energy, water, resources out of waste, local jobs, and with over 100 tons of negative CO2 impact/unit. The first development is in building permit phase.
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How we will choose the “best-in-class” business-models for our Kairos Multisolutions Bank:
- Live project, creating jobs, economically independant and sustainable, carried by entrepreneurs who are willing to share and train others worldwide;
- Serves 3 challenges simultaneously within the model;
- Multiple stakeholders model, creating multiple added value for all.
More on demand.