“Time of the Zombies” — where are the intelligences gone ? Common sense, pragmatic, rational and artificials ?


Urgency is everywhere.

Climate, inflation, food chains and prices, soils, mobility, energy prices, ESG regulation, talent attraction retaining and training, housing, massive renovation of infrastructures and public real estate, toxicity of everything, social unrest, political fragility and division, the megatons of waste pouring straight into nature, biodiversity collapse, massive exclusion and rizing poverty, massive corruption and plundering of society and nature by un ethical corporations and governments, biblical systemic risks in financial system, … speed is killing us slowly in a mega-centrifuge of confusion — transforming the masses into zombies uncapable of discerning what is good for them — following blindly whoever screams the loudest. And the summum: mental and psychological health — even within health institutions, we are treated by people in hospitals, who are >80% in high risk of burnout. What t.f. are we going to do in these times of massive shifts with such a population — knowing that we have a demography way too old and scary for smart-agile-risky entrepreneurship in the West ???

Where is all the rational pragmatic intelligence, combined with the best-of AI (artificial intelligence) with the massive data available ? Where is it ? Systemic intelligence was there 50 years ago in the Meadows team. They were right. But today, with all our multiplied computing power… would it be just… gone down the drain ? Do we really have to provoke wars to camouflage our incompetence — like always ? We should be smarter than ever, but are more clumsy than ever (including apparently, top diplomats, top scientists, top professors, top economists,…).

Even entrepreneurs and youth are stuck in collective psychosis: in fear, in too much comfort, and wouldn’t put themselves at risk to create fully new models. It has to do with the fear that is injected through all channels. Successive shocks are flatlining, little by little, the smart personal initiative and discernment energy, which is necessary for a collective entrepreneurial wake-up.

We are also made dumber with “easing” technology, flattening education requirements. Idiocracy. In the West, we have been taken away, little by little, collectively, our sovereignty. We gave away our ability to act, to create, to take initiatives — whereas in appearance, we should have it all, and have never had more information, resources and knowledge available.

This scenario has been prophetized many times (Orwell, Huxley,…). We have entered “ther End of Times”, and entered “the Beginning of a New Era”.

Look how vicious the circle is: acceleration → confusion → bad decisions → bad results → bad quick fixes → simplistic narratives → collective hystery → slipping out-of-control…

No government today, no corporate management, has a magical elixir to stop this delirium. And even if they would, nobody would listen. Worse, there are solutions, but no-one sees them, no-one hears them. Because… they are different, humble, well.. sorry but, non-capitalistic. They are even much more performant than existing public services or corporate solutions.

No, just noise, panic looting & plundering, IQ and EQ going down the drain by the day. Chaos and confusion. This is not going to end well guys. Look at the numbers. They do not lie. Humanity is turning into zombieland. Even avatars would be puzzled on this planet.

The solution, I think, is to gather those who did wake up to their common sense and truth, who are Ok to be un-hypnotized, to move slightly in margin of this confusion, and build the next chapter with them. Go for it. Focus. Do it. And… attract whoever can be attracted (for whom it is not too late). And scale. Frankly I do not see any alternative. Except if yes, an E.T. comes and saves us — but that I wouldn’t bet on it.

Good luck dear friends. Go for it. Focus. Do it. Or maybe, join us for co-building a “Regeneration Island”, somewhere on the planet.

Prof. Michel A. de Kemmeter

PM: michel@wiseholding.net





Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB
Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Written by Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.

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