The West has missed the turn… for 30 years — the fall has begun.
“There will be no transition. The dice are loaded.”
(dixit an important Belgian leader, in 2019, whom I will not name).
Especially in Belgium, the events of the last 2 years prove it to us — facts to back it up. Even with the best will, the “system”, galvanized by collective conditioning, is totally vulnerable to the hypercomplex issues of the near future. And… the fall will be much faster than the rise of the last 200 years. It is done, Wallonia is ranked at the same level as many so-called “underdeveloped” countries. Go and visit some of their villages and families, you will see it with your own eyes.
To succeed a virtuous turn, it would have been necessary to start seriously in 1990. The cost os transition is inordinate, unaffordable. And there is a lack of experts, engineers, companies,… but above all, lack of time. Public tenders, execution of the building sites,… no, it is too late. The very nice invitations (prayers) of -55% of the European Commission are totally utopian. It would be necessary that 1 building out of 5 ALREADY be under renovation today.
And to put us to sleep, the stock markets and real estate are boosted by the siphoning masses of money from dangerous and speculative products — all of which inflates the balloon — with the complicity of the banks, which of course do not mention it. (Almost) everything is hollow. But all is well, and let’s continue to make noise on the social media, make great pompous declarations, incantations and prayers to an exsanguinated population and to a terrified political world lost in superimposed shocks. The orchestra continues to play on a titanic that has already taken on water — with populace drowning in the holds before our eyes. The fall of the West has begun. And it is not with a pre-pensioned “intelligentsia” that purrs in the saloons that we will do anything. Do you want another drink ?
Now , do you really want a new world vision ?
Build islands of resilience. Neighborhoods, communities, businesses, associations, ecovillages — “islands” carried by people doing their humble introspection to connect with their personal power, alignment and coherence, communities that come together to bring value of common shared progress, concretely responding to the issues of the moment and the future. No hypnotic bullshit, but actors who experiment, who move, who mobilize, who question themselves, who dare to build bridges:
- between generations
- between cultures and peoples
- between the public, the private sector, companies, the media, academics
- between sciences
- between villages and communities
There will be very little room for whining and victimization. Yes, we can cry, but let’s then activate — and without delay — our psychological and spiritual survival instinct to reconnect, vertically (to mother earth and the common project) and horizontally (among ourselves).
It is not five minutes to noon. It is 7:45 pm. Time for sunset. Turn on the light of your heart. This is the light that will bring us through the dark night of anguish, mutation and regeneration.
Michel de Kemmeter