The need-to-have geostrategic knowledge for 2030 survival


in a deeply mutating civilization

Geostrategy has always been conditioned by strategic resources and “powers”. Those are based on strategic knowledge and knowhow.

In ancient times, control and power was carefully worked on :

  • Numbers of warriors, ships
  • Railway
  • Cannon power
  • Trade routes

And, their knowhow to produce those.

In more recent times:

  • Factories, industry
  • Coalmines, oil and other energy supply

Later on, Nuclear power, economic mega-power with liberalized multinationals, defense technologies…

And today, the “powerful” work on :

  • Finances & banking
  • Food/ seeds/ fertilizers
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Space defense and satelites
  • Media control
  • Material resources and minerals
  • AI, computing power
  • Cyber-defense/ cyber(in)security
  • Transhumanist technologies
  • Social media and cyber-influence
  • Capacity to control masses, manipulation of populations

Whatever is needed today for those geostrategic , creating wars and corrupting governments or institutions are the main recipe. And somlehow, whether we like it or not, and know it or not, we are part of that system.

But for the next decades, the absolute need-to-have knowledge and skills are:

  • The capacity to offer a constructive positive vision of the future, and hold on in the face of adversity, in times of chaos : as an individual, as an organisation, as well as a whole society. It includes the capacity to lead through tough times, to deal with complexity, to connect people with their best talents.

→ Mobilize with fear, uncertainty, amateurism, social control, or even “buying people off” with checks or populist discourses, is a very short term tactic. It won’t be sustainable, even on medium term. Social revolts should sooner or later be the outcome — way before any climate disruptions.

Collective intelligence and creativity session
  • Master regeneration methods. Re-create biodiversity, attracting fauna, creating food autonomy, energy autonomy, and water supply security. That creates climate change resilience, adaptation, and mitigation of amplitude of climate catastrophies. These regenerations will keep the population inside the coutries.

→ If not, climate occurences will destroy assets, and initiate massive migrations — whilst destroying local economics.

Permaculture garden for food autonomy in Goma warzone, pic Jean Philippe Byamungu

These two geostrategic aspects are the least worked on, whereas they really are the elephant in the room. People are fed up with empty discourses, realizing little by little the incompetences of their leaders. The results are no good, and the checkmate is visible to the naked eye.

Mental and emotional disorders are exponentially increasing. We will not succeed transition, agile and creative entrepreneurial change with people who are burned out. Except if we can re-ajust, re-motivate with a solid and credible vision. With a credible plan. Those plans will have to include regeneration on all fields, including the poorest. Designing the future in Davos and technological labs have shown limitations.

Biotopes are degrading at historical pace, whereas solutions largely exist.

pic: Desert Control

The good news is that actually, both dynamics are connected. They have already proven their positive effect on nature, population, and economics. They also answer hot challenges like shortening supply chains for food and energy autonomy.

Kallang river restoration in Singapore

This is so obvious, and still, what are the governments doing about that ? The universities and business schools ? The academics and scientifics ? No curricula yet. No well-constructed discourses and plans. What should be wait for ? More catastrophies, more dead, more revolts ?

regeneration projects in India

There are dozens of inspiring fully circular and integrated ecosystems of business models making super-efficient use of resources, like Songhai in Benin or Kalundborg in Denmark.

Pic Songhaï

These are actually, quite easy to reproduce.


Shall we wait till its too late ?

Prof. Michel A. de Kemmeter



Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB
Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Written by Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.

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