The company, the city, the sacred feminine
The paradigm shift of our time also means moving from a patriarchal — authoritarian — controlling — possessing mode, to one that is more balanced with feminine energy. Far beyond the “woman”.
Let us get back to fundamentals. The seed falls from heaven to earth. If the earth is ready and fertile, the seed can take root, and emerge as a plant. It is the same for the spermatozoid coming from the man, introduced into the uterus. If the uterus is ready and fertile, the seed can, after encounter with the egg, emerge into a new human being.
Our new ideas (see our website) being masculine energy — people, companies and cities, symbolize the feminine: the receptacles. And these are sacred, just like the woman and her womb, as well as the fertile earth. It is the receptacle, the womb in which things happen. For too long I was — as an “expert” in transition — in a posture… “They don’t understand, they are dropped, they are slow, recalcitrant, conservative,… pfff”. Today I am aware of this posture of judgment, of being a teacher, a so-called expert, in front of people and organizations that are beginning to humbly admit “that they no longer know…”. — is totally disrespectful and therefore unbearable.
From this day on, on the contrary, I will take these signals with the utmost respect, and with a true sense of the sacred. For if these people, companies, organizations, cities and territories open up — even in a homeopathic way — then fertile ground can be opened up for new possibilities. And I will be careful to remain in the most respectful posture possible, considering each one as a sacred being, because each one is fertile ground for the potential of a new abundance.
Prof. Michel de Kemmeter