The 9 “Human” Planetary Boundaries


cc Michel de Kemmeter, inspired by Stockholm Resilience

In the image of the 9 planetary boundaries as defined in 2009 by researchers from the Stockholm Resilience Centre (Sweden), here is my proposal for the 9 “human planetary boundaries” :

Would there not be 9 human planetary boundaries — before discussing the planet itself? But what to do on this planet with a humanity that is drained, stressed, confused, aged, selfish, and fragile ? Probably not much serious or efficient results … (just check our results 52 years after the MLeadows Report, 8 years after UN SDG’s, 2 years after Post-Covid Plans and Green Deal — oups no good). So, let’s focus a bit on these, and see how to empower humanity. Each of these elements is crucial. Without them, it’s impossible to imagine anything powerful, truly smart, and regenerative. Humanity is in a race in emerging countries and, at the same time, in the West, in a semi-coma. How to see clearly in this mess?

We added one more… 10. Health.

1. Openness to the world, non-judgment → Withdrawal into oneself/ Fundamentalism

We will only move forward together. Open and fluid collaboration will be a must — cross-borders. All borders (generations, gender, culture, geographies,…). Without this, it’s impossible to pool resources and learn quickly from each other — if we don’t embrace the different skills and resources offered. If we gather and stick to “think alikes”, we cultivate collective ego-based multipolar worlds, leading to sterile movements.

2. Motivation for life, for projects → Depression/ Resign/ Demotivation

It’s the basic energy to move forward. Without it, a certain death is guaranteed: psychological, emotional, spiritual, and even physical death. We are in a “Great Resign”: a general resignation from an extractive system. Time to find where and how to plug into that desire of life.

3. Freedom → Beliefs, convictions/ limitations/ rules

It is now absolutely mandatory to move the lines. All historical layers have become obsolete, and the rules must be reinvented. Quickly. Let’s experiment! Convictions come from “convict,” prisoner. Let’s free ourselves.

4. Conscious Information/ Discernment → Confusion, chaos/ “Fake news”

What a mess… noise and chatter invading our lives — we have become unable to discern the true from the false, what is good for us or not… what a chaos in our lives… A new reading grid of the world is needed, by and for each one, with accuracy, alignment. With true intelligence. We are nowhere yet… both in our personal lives and in the media or politics. Everything has to be done to learn to discern and develop a new kind of intelligence — probably a combibation of : consciousness, AI, and… “intel”.

“Stop wasting your precious time being anxious on climate change or whatever crisis. We will not save anything with a fearful disconnected humanity. Get in shape. Now.”

5. Autonomy/Sovereignty/Responsibility → Dependence/ Denial of responsibility/ Infantilization

What to do with a mass of childish, foolish sheep? Who and what will they follow? That is the question… They will follow whoever promises to protect them. Like in the mafia, populists. Regardless of their intention, which is most of the time, manipulation to make more money. We can do anything we want with a sheep. And it is not very useful except to graze (consume) and then be thrown away once used (butcher = they are “discarded” once used). Autonomy, sovereignty should be regainbed and … deserved. It takes individual and collective responsibility.

6. Space-time for oneself, true sharing → Feeling of invasion / loneliness

The “№1 in the ABC of well-being” is to have time for oneself. We are invaded by our smartphones, homeworking, media that “fill” our precious time of life. Let’s urgently reclaim it. Each one. Every day. Or else, one day, we will have a lot of time to regret not having taken that time. And when it comes to social connexion, lets focus on true sharing, not just bla-bla and appearances. This noise is invesive, energy-consuming, and frankly, a waste of your precious time. We deserve better.

7. Dignity/Decency/Ethics/Respect for oneself and others → Decadence/Indignity/Lack of respect

It is one of the basic elements of human power. Breaking it is so easy. Regaining it is the job of a lifetime — or sometimes, thanks to a simple look. Being proud of oneself, of one’s power, of one’s talents is something very beautiful and powerful. It requires acceptance, alchemy, and transformation, healing. It is done partly alone, partly together. Straightness creates strength and includes ethics, baked into the mold.

8. Agility/Resilience/Adaptation to change → Resistance to change/ conservative

This is the consequence of upstream work. It is the essential quality to move forward in a demanding and changing world. Otherwise, the price is sinking with others into this totally obsolete and deadly societal Titanic stacked with fearful passive passengers. Building life rafts is the way out.

9. Love/Trust/Kindness → Hatred/Fear/Selfishness, Jealousy, cynicism

Essential quality of the “charismatic leader,” but also of the “good fathers and mothers of families.” It is the beginning and the goal, the prerequisite and the result. The basis and the purpose of life. The origin and result of life itself: LOVE (= much better and performant than hate, wars, cynics, jealousy,…).

10. Powerful health → Chronic ill/ weak/ fragile/ #addicted

Without strong health, it will be difficult or even impossible to go though the hurdles of the next decades. We will die sooner, younger, because we are weak, fragile, chronic ill of addicted to whetever behaviour or substances (incl. medication). Vital energy has to be nurtured and plugged into, for strong vital and powerful (holitstic) health (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, professional, social heatlth).

You will notice that each of these 10 points has this in common:

  • They all are essential to participate in this project of consciousness and societal mutation, of transition, regeneration (otherwise, well, there won’t be any — or the person will die before being able to even see the results of their efforts of transition);
  • It depends on each of us, individually, to tick the boxes — not on state or institutions;
  • It requires continuous effort: working on one’s ego, fears, limitations, health,... There is no “free ticket” For anyone. Especially not for pioneers. They are the first to get wet, and therefore, to wear out. But also, they are the first to emerge and enjoy the success.

Be one of them, find other pioneers, unite with them, learn from them. Create “Regenerative Islands” — those Oases where it is really good to live and work (land, village, business), protected by the energy of consciousness and collective progress. Make sure to invite ONLY those who agree to give their best in the service of all — and walk the talk, do the effort. And accompany them on their journey. We won’t do anything alone. Then, together, work on how to regenerate the planet. Put the plow behind the oxen, not in front.

See you in your “Regenerative Island” !

Michel A. de Kemmeter



Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB
Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Written by Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.

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