The 12 Laws of an Updated Humanity
- Law of consciousness
We are in a society of information, of knowledge,
As a result, the unknown is frightening. The power is in the knowledge, while we enter an era where there is no more certainty…
But then, what is the “supreme” knowledge?
the one that we get by looking through the mirror, behind the scenes, from above,
the awareness, the wisdom, the deep understanding of who we are, of the stakes, of what gives access to the real solutions…
What is the access key?
A choice to take a door, that of the unconditional choice of oneself. There will be few chosen ones who will dare… but it is with them that we will be able to make the most interesting projects…
2. Law of the inner light
The fear of being discouraged is everywhere… fatigue, depression…
So we look for passions, of all kinds…
that fill us up, — but it is a bottomless barrel.
The law here is to cultivate one’s own inner light, one’s own joy, one’s own happiness, without depending on people or external things or events.
The access key is love. Of oneself, of life, of others… without putting too many conditions on it, otherwise it is bargaining, and not love. You learn this day by day…
3. Law of non-judgment
The fear of doing wrong, of the bad, of the devil even, pushes us to judge everything and everyone — and ourselves first.
The law here will be the law of non-judgment. Non-judgment. To accept with a neutral eye, and to learn, to do with respect. This will lead to integrity, consistency, rightness rather than justice.
The key to access is to have a candid look like that of a child. It opens up all the dimensions to create totally unexpected value. Like an artist, he will take us to new places full of unexpected opportunities… but so expected.
4. Law of trust
Fear, insecurity, pushes us all the time to surround ourselves with elements of security. Sometimes in a sickly way. Money, armor, insurance,
But… we are entering a period where we will never again have absolute certainty, absolute security — even the insurance companies know this…
The feeling of inner security can only be cultivated with trust.
In oneself, in others, in life itself. This confidence offers a solidity that will guarantee that we will still be standing after the different storms that are coming.
The key to accessing this is anchoring, rooting, like a tree with deep roots… this is learned, cultivated, day after day.
5. Law of resonance
We are in a world where no one knows who he is, what he is for, why he is here in the world… this causes a lot of suffering and misunderstanding. The need for recognition screams out in the face of a permanent feeling of rejection — “we are never good enough”.
The law here will be that of empathy, of resonance, to oneself and to others, and to life. This allows us to access who we really are, what vibrates in the other, what life itself offers us with its continuous surprises…
Learning to feel. But also, to remove a huge brake with the forgiveness. This leads to the acceptance of what is, and to the possibility of moving forward and loving. To love oneself, life, and others. The door to empathy and resonance opens…
6. Law of sharing
The confinement has put us all in front of a form of solitude. It is terrible. We miss our friends, our families, our loved ones. There is a great emptiness in us. And it is the others who will fill it. At least that’s what we hope. But… in reality… our heart remains empty.
The law is to share. Not of one’s sandwich, but of a space of true encounter. A space where I give myself, I open myself a little more than usual. I offer my heart, my vulnerability, my doubts, my loves. And so does the other… There it becomes beautiful and rich and interesting. The conditions for a true sharing of what really matters are there… It requires 4 keys: taking time, in a favourable and protected place, with rules of respect, and by opening one’s heart, one’s truth.
7. Law of freedom
Our fears of suffering physically, emotionally, mentally, even spiritually, push us to cling to a lot of elements outside of us, beliefs, so-called certainties, a relationship, chemicals, religions, dogmas,… But… the fear of suffering remains. The more we attach ourselves, the less free we are finally… we imprison ourselves.
The law here is that of the freedom to exist in who we really are, in what we live, feel, which activates our instinct, intuition, and our total freedom to live what we have to live in all its amplitude.
The key to access is to let go. One belief after another, one attachment after another. As if we were untying a rope, one lock after another.
8. Law of vitality
The fear of dying, of not leaving a trace in this world, instinctively pushes us to reproduce. Sexual energy is a fantastic, powerful energy. So much so that it is misunderstood, and has led to fatal aberrations such as rape, pornography, violence, pedophilia, etc.
The key proposed here is to make it a source of infinite vital energy, offering health, power, resilience, vitality.
How to access it? To consider and feel each body, each person no matter who or where, starting with oneself, as sacred. Yes, first oneself, learn to respect oneself, one’s body, with love and respect. Then the partner. The touch becomes different, magical, and awakens totally new sensations and feelings. And little by little, you will see, all creation will become sacred. It will change your life forever.
9. Law of empowerment
To reassure ourselves, we try to control everything and everyone. And everyone’s actions. It gets annoying in the long run. Taking power, and manipulating people — starting with your entourage, and even worse, your spouse. And above all, you don’t control anything anymore and you lose what is most precious to you.
On the other hand, what we can really control is our own personal power, and develop it. Learning and developing is within our possibilities. Better yet, it is the best investment of all.
The key to making yourself this law? Deep gratitude, for what we already have, for what happens to us, for who the other is in who he/she really is. Not only the word “thank you”, but the feeling of gratitude, starting from the heart.
10. Law of unity
The fear of missing something, of not feeling, of experiencing, pushes us to live intensely, more and more, provoking us “sensory kicks” — to feel alive.
The proposed law is that of unity. This state that makes us vibrate deeply with life itself. For the experience of the senses provokes us to experience life in our soul.
The access key is the ability to unify, in body-soul coherence. This requires a little training but it changes a lot.
11. Law of communion
The fear of hunger and thirst pushes us to this primary need to feed ourselves. Fortunately, otherwise we would all die quickly. But how do we feed ourselves? Beyond eating healthily, there is something else. How do we get the most out of our nutrients? To enter into communion with food and drink. Like a sacred thing. This is easier to imagine when, for example, it is prepared by a mother, with love. Or by yourself, with fruits or vegetables that you have grown yourself. It tastes totally different. And by sitting down first, in calmness, in front of this food, with respect and recognition of where it comes from, thanking in your mind the people who participated in its preparation. From the farmer to the kitchen. And then, eating slowly, tasting the tree, the vegetable, awakening the senses.
There, with the respect of the origins of the food, you literally plug into the vital energy carried in this food or drink.
12. Law of inspired co-creation
The fear of missing one’s way, of missing one’s life, of insignificance, of finally passing on earth like a little fly that everyone will forget as soon as it dies — pushes us to create, procreate, invent, build, undertake. No matter how: compose, draw, imagine, project…
The proposed law is that of co-creation. Not only do you never create alone, but with others, with the earth, with the subtle energies. Life becomes a huge collaboration in “collective intelligence” and “collective co-creation”.
All this is quickly said, and will require a lifetime of work, of evolution, of letting go and of discovery. But with each success, each step, you will progress. You will feel it clearly. Each time, a celebration, a great breath that opens the heart…
Prof. Michel de Kemmeter