Suffering VUCA, or empowering 7D ?


4D problems of VUCA in the 21st century…

  • Disconnection:

Constant noise, coupled with multiple shocks leads to a psychological flatline. This disconnection occurs on various levels: from ourselves, from others, from the planet and Mother Nature, and even from our own talents, professional projects, common good, or community progress.

  • Disengagement:

Massive resignation and job rotation, demotivation, absenteeism, and a loss of courage and faith, even worse, in life itself. Disengagement extends to politics and citizenship due to a history of deceptive political discourses, empty promises from advertising, and mass manipulation.

  • Demography:

We face a rapidly aging population and distortion in age pyramids. The West is too old, while Africa and parts of Asia are too young, causing an imbalance.

  • Disruption:

Disruption is evident in all business areas, functionalities, public services, and sciences. Rather than evolving gradually, things shift dramatically, shock after shock.

7D Solutions:

Why is “D” an interesting letter for this exercise ? The symbol is: difference, shift, door/gateway to truth and wisdom, the big voyage of the soul, so we can “retrieve the lost paradise”. And, here are 7 ways to achieve your best in this 4D messy VUCA world…

  • De-dramatization

OK, life can be hard sometimes. We are pushed around, shocked. If we die, we will be free. If we don’t, we are on the front row of the most incredible times of humanity and earth evolution. Looking at it that way allows us to de-victimise. It also invites us to “delirium”, fun, surrealism, totally new ways to look at things, with humor and creativity, color, fun, love.

  • Desidentify

We do not equal the problem. We are in the middle of a global mutation. We also are in mutation ourselves, going through inner change. But above all, we can allow ourselves to desidentfy to the surrounding bull. Walk in nature, calm down, breathe, reconnect to our inner truth and feelings.

  • Discern & Demining

In these times of confusion and noise, the first step is learning to discern truth and elements of value for you, from the useless bull. No need to say the latter exceeds 99%. It takes a lot to do so, because we have been so much lied to and manipulated, and have lost references, instinct and intuition. This new discernment has to be world on, continuously. For years. Little by little, you will be able to walk around the landmines and bull around you, and walk to your truth and where you are expected on, and not any more on what makes money for others.

  • Dematerialize

There is quite some space for growth there. Work with, and on spiritual values and common good, knowledge, skills, emotional values, happiness, quality relations, efficiency in operating methods, common sense, pragmatism, humility,…

It all leads to… a MUCH better use of resources, more profitability, and eventually, regeneration. The development and growth of «intangibles», immaterial assets, actually will save the material world, and offer health for all and for the planet. It will be the next space for (truly interesting) growth, offering very tangible solutions for our lives.

  • Destiny Design

Once we are through that confusion, we should start building our own and unique expertise, activate our unique talent, so it can serve the world — and yourself as well of course. Get to the drawing table, and to your favorite “living lab”. Your experimentation sandbox. Test, explore, experiment, share, excell.

  • Devote Dedication

Once you know where to go, what to unfold, do your act of faith, and devote yourself to your quest. Know also you are not alone at the other side of the door. But, do it with a constant dedication. You are the true hero. Do not make half decisions, because then you will fail and go back “to the old” and it will be way worse. Stay in the old then. Save yourself lots of hassle.

  • Deploy & Develop

Multiply the value, connect to local communities, as well as worldwide, copy paste what works, get the knowledge where it is needed, valorize your talents. Inspire and multiply around you. Multiply like a positive virus, like a happy fungi penetrating a rotting old world. But above all, have fun. You have a first class ticket to the most fabulous adventure, facing a world hungry for your excellence and joy.

Have a nice play.

Michel A. de Kemmeter



Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB
Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Written by Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.

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