Slow down to speed up — a must for a balanced mutation


We are each of us, with our lives, our jobs, our families, our communities, in a dilemma, torn between various emergencies and the need/desire to slow down. On the one hand, multiple issues catch us — on the other hand, circumstances force us to slow down.

Is this possible?

How can we do it?

What for?

Everything is going faster and faster.

With the help of the Internet, business, information and developments are moving faster and faster.

The evolution of consciousness also…

What is true today can be false tomorrow, and vice versa.

We are like centrifuged in an infernal machine. It is tangible, like high speed trains, and causes “freaking-out” and sometimes basic tactical errors of decisions taken in urgency.

Since urgency is bad counseling, the priority (in order to survive and discern — and make good decisions) is to step back from time to time.

Slow down to feel and discern better

All charismatic and effective leaders will tell you: good decisions are based on instinct, coming from one’s “gut”. But in order to feel them, you have to slow down and connect to them. Get out of the mind, out of the “head”, and down into the body. There is only one way: give yourself the time to do this… Breathe, meditate.

To have access to depth in the moment

Instead of “flying over” events and meetings, let us dare to dive into depths, behind appearances. This will give us access to key, instinctive, intuitive, and implicit information — well connected to each person’s values.

The right info

How to discern the true from the false, the important from the accessory, the essential from the superfluous, in this incessant hubbub? Again, slow down, breathe, reconnect. Without that, like a candy wrapper, we will be blown from right to left, instead of going to the essential, to the heart, behind the varnish of appearances, far from the noise of false news.

Eat fast, or eat well

Fast food has had its day. The value being the time chronos… The result: billions, junk food and obesity. Slow food is an invitation to eat less and eat better, to assimilate better, to stay slim and to stay in shape. And enjoying those precious moments of calmness at the table…

The same goes for sex.

Hare and turtle

Between the hare that acts in the urgency and the vagueness, and the tortoise that acts in the rightness — but with constancy — it is up to each one to make his choice, and to insert rituals that make this possible. Morning, noon, evening, before meetings and gatherings, breathing, connecting. To better discern, speak right, and act focused.

Access to the second and third dimension of time

The Chronos: physical time, measured with the watch. It is stressful because the second hand doesn’t wait… the count-down continues second after second.

But the two other dimensions of time (see Ancient Greece) are unlimited.

The Kairos: depth in the moment, accuracy, synchronicity.

The Aïon: cycles, rhythms, seasons, recurring moments, infinity…

Operating in multiple dimensions gives access to a time surface, a volume, offering access to increased meaning, expanded awareness, new accuracy and performance.

We are at the dawn of a generalized access to these dimensions…

Tell us about your experiences!

Prof. Michel de Kemmeter



Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB
Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Written by Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.

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