Secretly, investors prepare their “Plan B”


“They” know. The West is collapsing. It is not a secret anymore. The surprize is that this whole cracking system still is “rolling”. How, we don’t know: there is a global resign and massive depression-burnout. We will not achieve anything interesting with those people, walking dead.

The super-rich already have their hideaway: mega protected full-autonomous premises with bunkers in the desert, in US, New Zealand, and other paradises or on the contrary, very unhostile but perceived “secure” places. Tech billionaires are building these luxurious bunkers and hiring military security to survive a societal collapse. This all have a whole lot less to do with making the world a better place, but more to isolate from a very real and present danger of massive impact of climate change, rising seas, massive migrations, pandemics, social unrest and panic, drinkable water and resource depletion. For them, the future is really about just one thing: escape and save their asses.

That day, the middle and lower class will just die, lose their assets, or suffer greatly all kinds of human and material losses. Billions will die, yes. Whether we like it or not.

Is there a way out for those ? For us, “normal people”…

Well, on our side, with Extrapreneurs and Club of Brussels, we have been working on resilience scenarios. What do we need to survive, in the transition period “before”, but also, in worst case scenario ?

If we observe resilience scenarios in history, here are the “best of” points (even though we cannot protect ourselves 100% against very very worst case) :

  • Secure water supply,
  • Fertile soil, with growing food and fauna,
  • 500m above sea level (in case of mega tsunami in Pacific or Atlantic Oceans),
  • If possible, not too far away from airport of high speed train, in case we want to join our friends or go to a hospital, before the cataclysm (we never know);
  • With benevolent and “conscious” communities based on solidarity (here the super-rich will be squeezed out — they will just have their private militia probably even turning against them);
  • With local activities — in full autonomy — nurturing and securing people, offering natural abundance, energy, building materials, medication and food.

These are the aspects we actually work on in our >60 “Regeneration Islands”, in 28 countries. The two latter are the most valuable in case of cataclysms. All the people leading them are beautiful, value-based leaders, wanting to regenerate their natural space, and their communities — with them and for them.

They work together worldwide, grow and learn, and exchange best practices, products and services with the “Kairos Multisolutions” platform (analogue for the moment, but digital by spring 2023). It also carries a new currency, the “Kairos”, as a regeneration currency.

All our “Extrapreneurs” (who followed our 2 months program) receive a wallet with 250 Kairos on it. The investors, land owners, also invest and make money in the currency, including facilitation of their project — better and faster tanks to the platform and to the global community.

But the beauty of it all, is that all those pieces of paradise are welcoming people with pure intentions : learning, progressing together, growing as a person, growing as a global hyper-diverse community. They understood that investing in the “old” system is way too dangerous, and invested in their own evolution, and in learning about autonomy, values, and how to empower people into their best talents and skills. That is the ultimate protection “against” dramatic events that may occur.

Lets face it. Do you still really believe the stock markets, global economy, sovereign loans, global currencies, are going to “go on” for decades ? Yes? Sorry, but this is totally naive. I know you want to believe it, but all the facts and figures are converging to multiple mega-crises. Learn to read, and to calculate.

Get pertinent foresight information.

Stop dreaming. Become pragmatic and real.

Get prepared. As a person, as a citizen, as a responsible family member.

And maybe, join us in one of our Regeneration Islands.

Prof. Michel A. de Kemmeter



Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB
Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Written by Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.

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