Our step-by-step method for the next economy and society


Here is our step-by-step approach to re-invention of our organisations (with the tools in footnote — they can be downloaded on our website: https://clubofbrussels.org/toolbox/) :


A respectful and pragmatic assessment, without complacency, of the (family, business and societal) heritage, at several levels (knowledge, networks, emotions, functioning, assets, roots,…). We are never “lost”, we come from somewhere, with multiple legacies.

Answer these questions, alone, in family context, and in team, or in territorial collectives or local teams in your city or territory : Which are my personal excellences, skills, passions, capabilities, experiences ? (like in a mid-life crisis assessment and search for purpose). Which are the assets and liabilities of myself (tangible and intangible), of my company, of my family, of my territory and country ? Do this on multiple levels. (Like a hard accountant). No judgements here, just cold realistic assessments. Observe the context, without complacency — but with a smart perspective of valorisation of resources (like nature, observe how it grows and reconditions naturally after disasters)

(2) SURF

Continuously adapt to the hyper-rapid context without certainty, with your team and family. Capitalise on all existing resources, tangible and intangible — in an ecosystem with those around you. Take the opportunity to share questions and resources with partners you have never spoken to. You may be in for a pleasant surprise.

To surf, you need a surfboard, waves, and fellow surfers. The board is your concrete project, your fellows are your team, your family, your stakeholders, your community. Only of course if they did the choice of surfing too. If they decide to stay in apnea, in fear, its their choice but they are not in the game.

Its like our project Extrapreneurs, We started in 2017 as an “external innovation lab”. Companies, stuck in old beliefs, asked us to innovate with a 360° open scope. We pivoted in 2018 as a training and empowerment for inclusion of marginalized profiles. In 2019 it became a “vision lab” creating roadmaps, with youth teams. Then we became a “systemic living lab” in 2020. And now, we will evolve to an interbational edu-tainment program in 2021. (www.extrapreneurs.org)


Turn your business into a “multi-solution” diversification, serving present and future issues. There are plenty of choices. You will become more attractive for beneficial partnerships, faithful clients and suppliers, and young talent. If we all offer multiple beginnings of solutions, a colossal multiplicator effect will be initiated that will converge to new collective emerging solutions. It is called “emergent potential”.

The numerous ecovillages and multifunctional buildings we have helped to create all answer multiple challenges : bioclimatic eco-building with local natural resources, harnessing CO2 in the construction instead of producing Tons of it, zero energy impact, full autonomy, close to water autonomy, close to zero waste, with shared electrical mobility and collaborative vegetable and fruit gardens, offering very affordable intergenerational eco-housing, with more than good long term return for the investor and excellent property value.


The ultimate key to profitability is being able to cross resources and needs at multiple levels, throughout your internal ecosystem within your family or project, and with your external stakeholders. Activate as many underused resources as possible to leverage value creation. Become an entrepreneur of multiple value-added activities. To surf the waves and keep in touch with fellow surfers (stakeholders), communicate non-stop.

As an example, we started with our clients and extrapreneurs in the east of Belgium (in “Haute-Amblève” around Malmedy), a territorial alliance between public players (6 municipalities), companies, citizens and local NGOs and media. It is a “bridging” dynamics that connects existing dots to prepare the post-covid plans and consolidate resilience. It mobilizes people and resources to re-localize the economy, make the best out of existing resources, find solutions to issues of local municipalities, and address social issues. They foster numerous local projects, attract young talent and SMEs. It is already a quite resilient territory (were invaded and bombed numerous times), but they are visionary and thus want to make an example of an “agile, joyful and resilient territory” in Belgium. Go there at carnival times you will see and feel it…

Public real estate is also a nice example. The public owns thousands of buildings, totally outdated, often even with negative value. Those public services have no time, money nor human resources to even start to think about what to do with it horizon 2030. Some public players have made smart moves by appealing to the general public on multifunctional projects creating multiple value for all, with consortiums of local companies, citizens, professionals and building or renovation companies. We have to open up to new ways to create value, collaboratively and transversally. And it’s much more fun too.


Activate your hidden talents — at any age — and learn from the intelligence of unexpected areas by crossing them with your own knowledge. Take the best, and bring out the best. Become opinion leaders, but with a creative twist, with the utmost seriousness. Become a source of unexpected expertise. The risks in upcoming historical issues are tsunamis of opportunities to finally build the world our children are dreaming of. Become an “idea-hitcher” or “new concepts hopper”. Or even a “transversal innovator”. As long as you pull-in the best ideas, from anywhere, to your business…

As an example, we have disrupted the waste management business whilst observing the “resources management” in nature, around trees. Local transformation from waste to local usable resources, instead of central incineration or landfill. (http://www.metabolism.biz)

We learned “energy principles” from quantum physics, and brought them into the systemic economic model itself: the “Alliance Map”.

We adapted values from ancient spiritual teachings into corporate charters, with the “Motivation Wheel”.

We adapted principles from acupuncture into company intangibles accounting and value leverage: “7D-Value”.

We have learned from coma patients and adapted those to society, to understand transition: the “12 Vital Functions”.


And naturally, new leadership wisdom emerges, resilience will set in, and smiles will return to everyone’s lips. But to learn to surf, you have to be willing to fall at first, to get wet. It is this path that will make the power — both of the family, leaders and the company of tomorrow.

Ebrahim Vadachia succeeded in a time span of 6 years after being trained on systemic economy principles, to mobilize over 50 stakeholders in the city of Durban, and facilitate security, enhance waste management, integrate drug addicts and migrants, train them and give them jobs, create local markets. This to an extent that dozens of other cities now ask him for advice. All that with a very strong leadership and a courageous heart, applying principles of systemic economy we have brought in their family company in 2014. The funding of his NGO is organized now through direct city taxation. He is humble, and does what has to be done, not with fear, but with joy. He does not wait for somebody else to do the job. Even though in the beginning it was kinda tough to move the lines, he is now highly respected leader and mentor.

Which business are you going to foster with your co-surfers, for our society or next economy ?

Prof. Michel de Kemmeter




Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB
Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Written by Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.

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