Lets do business-as-usual, fast !
What did we learn from the 2008 crisis?
From the euro crisis?
From the Covid crisis?
From the crypto crisis?
Or coming up energy and food crisis?
Or even from all the biblical collapses of the empires in our history ? Replay story over and over again.
Guess what — I bet we all think of one thing: holidays. And after that, lets start business-as-usual, back to normal again. (In the West)
Yes, I guess that we will all be able to go back to business-as-usual. But it is going to be like before 1945. Maybe sooner than we think. Survival of the fittest. Local need-to-have family solidarity. Global nothing, and everyone taking care of oneself. Nobody caring for common good and enlighted leadership. We can see very clearly today already that its going up that street.
No top infrastrucures : no money, no time, no workers to renovate them.
No smart cities, just stupid cities where nothing grows, but maffia does.
Healthcare when you are lucky. No rule of law, except maffia and guns.
No social security, no pensions: we are bankrupt. Or will be, quite soon. No crypto euro or great reset will solve that equation.
Politics hiding under their pillow, not be lynched for all their thefts and lies.
And we are old (in the West) … too old for innovative entrepreneurship.
In the mean time : bread and games, waiting for all our illusions to melt down.
It started already. Good luck.
Michel de Kemmeter