Egos and incoherent systems are collapsing before our eyes…


Egos are imploding before our eyes, and at all levels (individual, corporate, political, international), with their neuroses, their inconsistencies, their inefficient, extractive, accumulative, metastasized and destructive psychological, political and economic systems. And this, all together with their anxieties, complexes, fears and dependencies that go with them.

It is the Earth itself — with its energetic immune system — that makes the energies of hatred and resentment, anger, stress and despair, more and more unlivable. Unlivable to the point that these emotions come to graft themselves on structures and on physical bodies, and cause lethal dysfunctions (bankrupcies, wars) and fatal diseases.

The only real responsibility thus becomes: reconnecting to oneself and to the Earth, as well as to the Common Good (for we are all connected), and to privilege courageous healing, sharing at all levels, concrete virtuous action, while nourishing positive emotions every day.

It takes a leap of faith to begin this, and serious courage to sustain it over time. But it is now a matter of human survival. “Climate change” and other various disturbances are just a symptom of this invitation of history.

Managing the healing of the planet earth and its inhabitants with its systems will only really work with the people who understand links between their own evolution and that of the world — and nurture love instead of fear.

Michel A. de Kemmeter



Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB
Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Written by Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.

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