Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB
Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in systemic economic transition and regeneration, keynote speaker, author, entrepreneur and investor. Professor @VUB Brussels School of Governance. Inventor of the “Systemic Regenerative Economy” model, and founder of Club of Brussels (think tank) and Extrapreneurs (living lab), with Kairos Multisolutions platform and Kairos digital token dedicated to regeneration.

Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Michel A. de Kemmeter - Kairos -Extrapreneurs CofB

Expert in economic transition, keynote speaker, author, consultant and investor. Professor. Inventor of “Systemic Economy” and "Kairos Multisolutions" crypto.